
Positions Held

  • Institute Board Member and co-PI, NSF AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions, from September 2020.
  • Associate Professor, Northeastern University, from 2021.
  • Assistant Professor, Northeastern University, 2015-2021.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2012-2015.


  • Ph.D. Physics, University of Pennsylvania, May 2012, advised by Professor Mirjam Cvetic.
  • B.S. Physics, Mathematics, University of Virginia, May 2007, with highest distinction.

Awards and Honors

  • CAREER Grant, National Science Foundation, 2019-2024.
  • Graduate Fellowship in High Energy Theory, United States Department of Energy, 2011-2012.
  • Graduate Fellowship, String Vacuum Project (SVP) of the National Science Foundation, 2009-2011.
  • Chair’s Teaching Award, University of Pennsylvania, September 2008.

Publication List

My papers can be found on Google Scholar, including journal information.

Editorial Boards

  • Machine Learning: Science and Technology, IOP Press, from 2019.

Invited Conference Talks and Colloquia

  • Generalized Volume Conjecture
    IIT Bombay, November 2024.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • Physics in the AI Era
    University of Padua, September 2024.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • IAIFI Summer Workshop
    MIT, August 2024.
    Neural Networks and Conformal Symmetry.

  • International Congress of Basic Science
    Beijing, July 2024.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • String Phenomenology 2024
    University of Padua, June 2024.
    Inference, Towers, and Stasis.

  • TASI Lectures on Physics for ML
    University of Colorado, Boulder, June 2024.
    Physics4ML: Neural Network Dynamics.

  • TASI Lectures on Physics for ML
    University of Colorado, Boulder, June 2024.
    Physics4ML: Neural Network Statistics.

  • TASI Lectures on Physics for ML
    University of Colorado, Boulder, June 2024.
    Physics4ML: Neural Network Expressivity.

  • Machine Learning and the Renormalization Group
    Trento, May 2024.
    Phi4 Theory as a Neural Network Field Theory.

  • New Trends in Mathematical Physics, AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting
    Howard University, April 2024.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • Strings, Fields, and Deep Learning
    Aspen Center for Physics, January 2024.
    Phi4 Theory as a Neural Network Field Theory.

  • Physics Colloquium
    Caltech, December 2023.
    Deep Learning for Theory: from Particle Physics to the Poincare Conjecture.

  • Deconstructing the String Landscape
    CEA Paris Saclay, November 2023.
    to be determined.

  • International Conference on Machine Learning Physics
    Kyoto University, November 2023.
    Deep Learning for Theory: from Particle Physics to the Poincare Conjecture.

  • Johannesburg Workshop on String Theory
    University of Witwatersrand, September 2023.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • String Phenomenology 2023
    IBS-CTPU Daejeon, July 2023.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • UNIST Workshop on Geometry, String Theory and Machine Learning
    Ulsan University, July 2023.
    Phi4 Theory as a Neural Network Field Theory.

  • Machine Learning for Lattice Field Theory and Beyond
    Trento, June 2023.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • Theoretical Physics for Deep Learning
    Aspen Center for Physics, June 2023.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Meeting
    Ottawa, June 2023.
    Searching for Ribbons with Machine Learning.

  • At the Interface of Physics, Math, and AI
    Pollica, May 2023.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • Physics Colloquium
    University of Crete, May 2023.
    Machine Learning for Theoretical Physics and Math.

  • Physics Colloquium
    University of Crete, May 2023.
    Machine Learning for Theoretical Physics and Math.

  • Colloquium at Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications
    Harvard University, April 2023.
    Unexpected Uses of Neural Networks: Field Theory and Metric Flows.

  • Theoretical Tests of the Landscape
    University of Massachusetts, Amherst, April 2023.
    Discussion on the Landscape from the Top Down.

  • Strings and Geometry 2023
    University of Pennsylvania, March 2023.
    Metric Flows and Calabi-Yau Metrics with Infinite-Width Neural Networks.

  • Theoretical Physics for Machine Learning
    Aspen Center for Physics, March 2023.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • String Data 2022
    Cambridge University, December 2022.
    Neural Network Metric Flows.

  • Heidelberg Math and ML Series
    Heidelberg University, November 2022.
    ML for Pure Mathematics.

  • Computational Differential Geometry and Its Applications in Physics
    Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, November 2022.
    Ricci Flow and Neural Network Gradient Descent.

  • Knot Theory Meets Computer Science
    Dublin Institute for Advanced Study, November 2022.
    Ricci Flow and Neural Network Gradient Descent.

  • Physics and Machine Learning
    Nature Reviews Physics and Alan Turing Institute, October 2022.
    Machine Learning and Theoretical Physics.

  • Lecture Series: Physics Meets Artificial Intelligence
    School at LMU Munich, September 2022.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • Seattle Snowmass Summer Meeting 2022
    University of Washington, July 2022.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • String Phenomenology 2022
    University of Liverpool, July 2022.
    Ricci Flow with Infinite Neural Networks.

  • Foundations of Machine Learning and its Applications for Scientific Discovery in Physical and Biological Systems Workshop
    DC Metro Area, June 2022.
    declined due to family constraints.

  • Lecture Series: Pre-SUSY 2022
    University of Ioannina, June 2022.
    Machine Learning for High Energy Theory.

  • Lecture Series: Pre-SUSY 2022
    University of Ioannina, June 2022.
    Machine Learning for High Energy Theory.

  • Workshop on Machine Learning and Mathematical Conjecture
    Harvard University, CMSA, April 2022.
    Machine Learning for Mathematics.

  • Physics Colloquium
    University of Winnipeg, October 2021.
    A Triangle of Influence: Bringing Together Physics, Pure Mathematics, and Computer Science.

  • Physics REBoot Venezuela
    Virtual Bootcamp by COF Alumni USB and ICTP’s Physics Without Frontiers, September 2021.
    A Triangle of Influence: Bringing Together Physics, Pure Mathematics, and Computer Science.

  • SUSY 2021
    Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, August 2021.
    The String Landscape and Particle Remnants.

  • Nankai Symposium on Mathematical Dialogues
    The Chern Institute, Nankai University, August 2021.
    Statistics and Symmetries of Neural Networks and Quantum Fields.

  • Machine Learning: Where to Apply in Theoretical Physics
    Bethe Forum Overview Seminar, University of Bonn, June 2021.
    Recent Results at the Intersection of Machine Learning and Theoretical Physics.

  • PHENO 2021
    University of Pittsburgh, May 2021.
    Deep Learning Landscapes.

  • Lecture Series: Beijing Geometry and Physics Seminar
    Yau Mathematical Science Center, Tsinghua University, May 2021.
    Complexity, Physics, and Effective Theories of Deep Learning.

  • Lecture Series: Beijing Geometry and Physics Seminar
    Yau Mathematical Science Center, Tsinghua University, May 2021.
    Neural Network Theory: GPs, NGPs, and Neural Tangent Kernel

  • Lecture Series: Beijing Geometry and Physics Seminar
    Yau Mathematical Science Center, Tsinghua University, May 2021.
    Neural Network Theory: Scale-Invariance and Symmetries via Duality

  • IAIFI Colloquium
    The NSF AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions, April 2021.
    ML for Ab Initio Data: A Tour of Knots and Natural Language.

  • Accelerate Science Winter School 2021
    Cambridge University, February 2021.
    A Triangle of Influence: Bringing Together Physics, Pure Mathematics, and Computer Science.

  • Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Machine Learning,
    Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, January 2021.
    Knots and Natural Language.

  • String Data 2020,
    CERN, December 2020.
    NN-QFT Correspondence.

  • Physics Meets AI,
    LMU Munich, September 2020.
    Canceled due to COVID-19.

  • Machine Learning for Theory,
    CERN, July 2020.
    Canceled due to COVID-19.

  • New Ideas in String Phenomenology,
    DESY, May 2020.
    Canceled due to COVID-19.

  • Strings and Geometry 2020,
    University of Utretcht, April 2020.
    Canceled due to COVID-19.

  • American Physics Society (APS) April Meeting 2020,
    Washington DC, April 2020.
    String Theory and Deep Learning.

  • The String Swampland and Quantum Gravity Constraints on Effective Theories,
    Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, March 2020.
    Lessons and Challenges in the Landscape.

  • Deep Learning and Physics 2019,
    Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, October 2019.
    Generative Models and Statistical Predictions in String Theory.

  • Lectures on Machine Learning and String Theory,
    Osaka University, October 2019.
    Machine Learning and the String Landscape.

  • Lectures on Machine Learning and String Theory,
    Osaka University, October 2019.
    Introduction to Machine Learning.

  • Lectures on Machine Learning and String Theory,
    Osaka University, October 2019.
    Computational Complexity in Theoretical Physics.

  • Geometry and Strings 2019,
    Oxford University, September 2019.
    F-theory on Singular Spaces.

  • Hammers and Nails 2019,
    Weizmann Institute of Science, August 2019.
    Applications of Machine Learning to String Theory.

  • SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry,
    University of Bern, July 2019.
    Knot Theory and Machine Learning.

  • String Phenomenology 2019,
    CERN, June 2019.
    Complexity and Random Matrix Approximations.

  • Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis, and Physics,
    Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, April 2019.
    Cosmological Questions for G2 Compactifications at Large N.

  • At the Crossroads of Machine Learning and Physics,
    Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, February 2019.
    Machine Learning Geometry and String Theory.

  • Machine Learning Landscape,
    International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, December 2018.
    Complexity of Machine Learning and Landscapes.

  • Simons Summer Workshop,
    Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, August 2018.
    de Sitter Vacua and Computational Complexity.

  • String Theory Challenges in Particle Physics and Cosmology,
    University of Bonn, July 2018.
    Geometries, Agents, and Remnants.

  • Machine Learning and Physics,
    Tsinghua University, July 2018.
    Reinforcement Learning and the String Landscape.

  • String Phenomenology 2018,
    Warsaw, July 2018.
    String Theory and Data Science.

  • Strings 2018,
    Okinawa, June 2018.
    String Theory and Data Science.

  • Machine Learning in Geometry and Physics,
    Yau Mathematical Science Center, TSIMF Sanya, June 2018.
    On Finding Small Cosmological Constants with Deep Reinforcement Learning.

  • Strings, Geometry, and Black Holes,
    King’s College London, April 2018.
    Deep Reinforcement Learning and the Boundary of Weak Coupling.

  • Workshop on Data Science and String Theory,
    LMU Munich, March 2018, with Fabian Ruehle.
    Machine Learning Tools for String Theory

  • Workshop on Data Science and String Theory,
    LMU Munich, March 2018.
    Anomaly Detection: Mapping the IIB Lamppost with Reinforcement Learning.

  • Physics and Geometry of F-theory,
    IFT-Madrid, March 2018.
    A Large Ensemble of F-theory Geometries: the Weak, the Strong, and the Non-Higgsable

  • Workshop on String Field Theory and String Phenomenology
    Harish-Chandra Research Institute, February 2018.
    Big Data and the Landscape: A Case Study in F-theory.

  • String Phenomenology 2017
    Virginia Tech, July 2017.
    Universality in a Large Ensemble of Geometries.

  • Theoretical Advanced Studies Institute (TASI)
    University of Colorado, Boulder, June 2017.
    String Remnants 2.

  • Theoretical Advanced Studies Institute (TASI)
    University of Colorado, Boulder, June 2017.
    String Remnants 1.

  • International Conference on the Interconnection between Particle Physics and Cosmology,
    Texas A&M, Corpus Christi, May 2017.
    GUTs, Remnants, and the String Landscape.

  • Superconformal Field Theories in Four or More Dimensions,
    Aspen Center for Physics, March 2017.
    Dualities of Deformed N=2 SCFTs from Link Monodromy on D3-brane States.

  • Physics and Geometry of F-theory 2017
    International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, February 2017.
    Dualities from Braids and Landscapes from Trees.

  • The Mathematics and Physics of F-theory,
    Virginia Tech, October 2016.
    Dualities of Deformed N=2 SCFTs from Link Monodromy on D3-brane States.

  • Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis, and Physics,
    Background Lecture, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, September 2016.
    Gauge Enhancement in M-theory on G2 Spaces.

  • Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis, and Physics,
    Background Lecture, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, September 2016.
    More on Gauge Enhancement in M-theory on Calabi-Yau Varieties.

  • Geometry and Topology of Particle Physics,
    The Fields Institute, Toronto, August 2016.
    D3-brane SCFTs from N=2 Deformations, String Junctions, and Knots.

  • The Amsterdam String Workshop
    University of Amsterdam, July 2016.
    Non-Higgsable Clusters and Symmetry in the Landscape.

  • Special Holonomy Geometry, Mirror, and Supersymmetry,
    National Science Foundation FRG Workshop, Harvard University, May 2016.
    Gauge Enhancement and Landscapes in G2 Compactifications of M-theory.

  • F-theory at 20,
    Walter Burke Institute, CalTech, February 2016.
    Strong coupling and geometrically non-Higgsable seven-branes.

  • String-Pheno-Cosmo 2015,
    Galileo Galilei Institute, October 2015.
    The Complex Structure of the F-theory Landscape.

  • String Phenomenology 2015,
    University of Madrid, June 2015.
    Gauge Enhancement and Landscapes in G2 Compactifications of M-theory.

  • Stratified Spaces in Geometric and Computational Topology and Physics,
    the University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 2015.
    Kodaira’s Alternative to Grand Unification.

  • String / M-Theory Compactifications and Moduli Stabilization,
    University of Michigan, March 2015.
    Symmetry in the Landscape, Non-Higgsable Clusters, and the Standard Model.

  • Physics and Geometry of F-theory,
    MPI Munich, February 2015.
    Symmetry in the Strongly Coupled Landscape.

  • Physics Colloquium,
    Northeastern University, February 2015.
    Formal Theory and its Applications to the Standard Model and Beyond.

  • Physics Colloquium,
    Baylor University, January 2015.
    Setting Sail in the String Landscape.

  • Hidden Sector Dark Matter,
    Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, November 2014.
    Hidden and Visible Sectors from Non-Higgsable Clusters.

  • Model Building in the LHC Era,
    Aspen Center for Physics, July 2014.
    Theoretically Motivated Electroweak Exotics in String Theory.

  • Geometry and Physics of F-theory,
    Heidelberg University, February 2014.
    Non-Abelian Gauge Symmetry and the Higgs Mechanism in F-theory.

  • APS Divisional Meeting,
    UC Santa Cruz, August 2013.
    New Motivation for WIMP Dark Matter.

  • Simons Summer Workshop,
    Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, July 2013.
    Matter in F-theory from Singular Elliptic Fibrations.

  • String Phenomenology 2011,
    the University of Wisconsin, Madison, August 2011.
    Instantons in F-theory from Heterotic Duality.

  • String Vacuum Project Meeting,
    University of Pennsylvania, May 2011.
    Three Looks at Instantons in F-theory.

  • String Vacuum Project Meeting,
    Ohio State University, November 2014.
    Approaching the Landscape: Computability of IIB / F-theory Instantons and Insights from MSSM-containing quivers.

  • String Vacuum Project Meeting,
    Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, May 2010.
    Instanton Effects in Semi-Realistic MSSM Quivers and F-theory.

Workshop and Conference Organization

  • A Day of Deep Learning and High Energy Theory,
    IAIFI @ Northeastern University, 2024. chair of the organizing committee.

  • Strings, Fields, and Deep Learning,
    Aspen Center for Physics, 2024.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • String Data 2023,
    Caltech, 2023.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • IAIFI Workshop,
    IAIFI, 2023.
    chair of the organizing committee.

  • IAIFI Summer School,
    IAIFI, 2023.
    chair of the organizing committee.

  • IAIFI Workshop,
    IAIFI, 2022.
    chair of the organizing committee.

  • IAIFI Summer School,
    IAIFI, 2022.
    chair of the organizing committee.

  • Machine Learning: where to apply in Theoretical Physics,
    Bethe Forum, University of Bonn, 2022.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • A Deep-Learning Era of Particle Theory,
    Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2022.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • String Phenomenology 2021,
    Northeastern University, 2021.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • String Phenomenology 2020,
    Northeastern University, 2020.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • Neural Networks and the Data Science Revolution: from Theoretical Physics to Neuroscience, and Back,
    Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, January 2020.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • Strings, Geometry, and Data Science,
    Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, January 2020.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • String Theory and the Hidden Universe,
    Aspen Center for Physics, June 2019.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • Modern Trends in Particle Physics,
    A conference in honor of Pran Nath, Northeastern University, May 2019.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • Physics ∩ ML,
    Microsoft Research, April 2019.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • PASCOS 2018,
    Case Western Reserve University, June 2018.
    convener of session on “Unification and String Theory.”

  • Workshop on Data Science and String Theory,
    Northeastern University, November 2017.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • Workshop on String/M-theory Compactifications and Particle Physics,
    Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, March 2015.
    member of the organizing committee.

  • String Vacuum Project Spring Meeting,
    University of Pennsylvania, May 2011.

Seminars and Submitted Talks

  • June 2024, Cambridge Consultants.
  • May 2024, Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC).
  • April 2024, Queen Mary University of London.
  • November 2021, University of Chicago.
  • September 2021, Harvard University.
  • June 2021, University of Heidelberg.
  • May 2021, Cambridge University, Machine Learning group.
  • April 2021, EPFL.
  • February 2021, BNL / RIKEN.
  • January 2021, Deep Learning and Physics, Japan.
  • January 2021, Mathematics, Physics, and Machine Learning, Lisbon.
  • December 2020, DeepMind.
  • November 2020, Rutgers University.
  • November 2020, University of British Columbia.
  • November 2020, Virginia Tech.
  • October 2020, LMU Munich.
  • October 2020, Brown University.
  • October 2020, University of Michigan.
  • September 2020, Queen Mary University of London.
  • September 2020, Carnegie Mellon University.
  • May 2020, University of Liverpool.
  • November 2019, Princeton Center for Theoretical Sciences.
  • October 2019, Boston Fusion Corporation.
  • December 2018, University of New Hampshire.
  • October 2018, Syracuse University.
  • October 2018, University of Michigan.
  • October 2018, UC Irvine.
  • October 2018, University of Illinois.
  • September 2018, Boston University.
  • May 2018, Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC).
  • March 2018, University of Oxford.
  • October 2016, Virginia Tech.
  • April 2016, Northeastern University, Mathematics.
  • February 2016, Yale University.
  • December 2015, Northeastern University, Mathematics.
  • December 2015, Texas A&M.
  • September 2015, MIT.
  • April 2015, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
  • January 2015, UC Santa Barbara.
  • December 2014, California Institute of Technology.
  • September 2014, Cornell University.
  • May 2014, Harvard University.
  • April 2014, McGill University.
  • April 2014, MIT.
  • April 2014, Brandeis University.
  • November 2013, University of Pennsylvania.
  • November 2013, University of Southern California.
  • October 2013, UC Santa Barbara Math/Physics.
  • March 2013, University of Michigan.
  • November 2012, University of Southern California.
  • October 2012, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics.
  • Summer 2012, String Phenomenology.
  • March 2012, Cornell University.
  • December 2011, University of Chicago.
  • December 2011, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics.
  • November 2011, Princeton University.
  • November 2011, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
  • Summer 2011, SUSY, String Math.
  • April 2011, University of Chicago.
  • February 2011, MIT.

Conference and Workshop Participation

  • Geometry and Physics of F-theory, January 2018, Banff Interntional Research Station.
  • Special Holonomy: Progress and Open Problems 2017, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.
  • $G_2$ Holonomy Working Group, Aspen Center for Physics, August 2017.
  • The Many Faces of Naturalness, Aspen Center for Physics, Summer 2016.
  • F-theory at the Interface of Particle Physics and Mathematics, Aspen Center for Physics, Summer 2015.
  • Simons Summer Workshop, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Summer 2014.

Service, Outreach, and Miscellaneous

  • Referee: for the Canadian Journal of Physics, JHEP, MLST, Physics Letters B, Physics Reports, Physical Review Letters, Nature Reviews Physics, and Reviews of Modern Physics.
  • Colloquium Chair: previously, at Northeastern University.
  • Seminar Organizer: for the UC Santa Barbara HEP Theory group and the KITP locals lunch.
  • Substitute Lecturer: in Quantum Field Theory, E&M, General Relativity, and ``Physics for Poets.”
  • Youth Outreach: as a part of KITP’s outreach efforts, I gave lectures at Santa Barbara area high schools.
  • Computer Skills: C, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, and Sage.


  • Professor Mirjam Cvetic, University of Pennsylvania
  • Professor Antonella Grassi, University of Pennsylvania
  • Professor David R. Morrison, UC Santa Barbara
  • Professor Paul Langacker, Institute for Advanced Study
  • Professor Washington Taylor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


I teach physics courses at Northeastern University, including:

  • PHYS 4115: Quantum Mechanics, Spring 2021.
  • PHYS 7325: Quantum Field Theory 1, Fall 2020.
  • PHYS 7325: Quantum Field Theory 1, Fall 2019.
  • PHYS 5115: Quantum Mechanics, Spring 2019.
  • PHYS 5115: Quantum Mechanics, Fall 2018.
  • PHYS 7326: Quantum Field Theory 2, Spring 2018.
  • PHYS 7325: Quantum Field Theory 1, Fall 2017.
  • PHYS 7733: Topics in Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology, Spring 2017.
  • PHYS 5115: Quantum Mechanics, Spring 2016.

GitHub repositories contain the most recent iteration of the course. Information regarding past courses are available upon request.
